Op Ed: The Clearest Picture

Sometimes the 11,000 ft. view (the height of our surrounding Wastach Mountains) doesn’t present all the nuances that can be seen at street level.  Like how vital obtaining housing is to someone when winter is quickly approaching; the single parent wishing they could give their children the gift of safety and stability; or the young adult—who can get on to the more exciting parts of beginning a life on their own once he or she knows where they will rest their head at night.

These artifacts of individual experience, here in Salt Lake City, are motivation to ensure everyone has a place to call home. My roots as a social worker are fed by the daily opportunity to create lasting positive change. The clearest part of this picture is our cognizance of the value of having a place to call home. We observe daily that housing fosters stability, growth and success.  It provides the opportunity for community. The ability to connect with those around you, to establish a network of support to make the best of life.

Salt Lake City, just as a number of metro areas, is experiencing the growing pains of economic growth. Among the most pressing issues is the priority to ensure housing remains accessible and affordable—but this challenge brings with it opportunity. While resources never seem to be the amount that we need, our community seems to find creative ways through. It is a path of incremental progress that over time achieves significant results.

Housing Connect could not be more excited to partner with the Vecino Group to make Bodhi a reality.  Bodhi enables our community to ensure 80 more households have a place to call home.  This project, like many that have come before, represents the best of what we accomplish when we join together.  The ability to bridge the divide from where we are to where we want to be.  Our progress measured by the number of connections made, relationships strengthened, and projects completed.  Knowing that at the end of the day we are closer to a community where all have a place to call home.


Zach is the Director of Operations for Housing Connect. An experienced Social Entrepreneur, he lends his talent as a Services Provider/Partner at Bodhi Salt Lake City.